Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hello everyone, Dont know if you are still keeping up with the blog or not... Sorry we were so busy those last few days and I wasn't able to blog.  Apparently this upset a lot of people... More so that I ever would have guessed read it.  We had so much fun and I enjoyed every minute that we were there.  I definitely would do it again. It might be a while but definitely again sometime. LOL. Well I know that some of you found out I got sick when I returned home but I am much better now.  The doctor said that I had some kind of bacteria on my skin but he gave me an antibiotic to kill it and I just pray its working.  I am still having trouble getting my sleep back to normal I was up a 4 oclock this morning and couldn't go back to sleep.  Well I will try to finish some of the better pictures on monday and hopefully put them on my website for everyone to see.  I will make a post later with the password for it.  Well I am going to try to get some rest and I will try not to be slack anymore!!! haha 


Friday, June 13, 2008

English Day Camp!

These are the kids from the school that we went to today. They are so cute and they loved us coming so much! They figured out at the end of the camp that they could see my pictures after I take them and they wanted me to take their picture so they could see it.

These were two of the little boys that were hanging around us at the end the first one was kinda shy and didnt want his picture taken. The one on the bottom was so funny he would make faces with his food at me so I would take his picture.

This is Leinie she is one of the leaders at the Hot Rock Cafe and she was a student at the University. She is so sweet and she is a graphic designer so we have had a lot to talk about. She kinda heads most of the ministry in the University.

Here is another picture from an activity that Laura and I did with the kids at the School. We gave them a color crayon and had them draw their favorite shape that they learned. They knew colors pretty well but not shapes hardly at all. It was fun, they yelled back what we said to them but the smallest ones we taught were about 4 and they were the loudest...Not sure they even knew what they were saying but they enjoyed it. We also played a game of Duck, Duck, Goose but their culture frowns upon tapping or touching the head. So they had a handkerchief and they threw it at each other instead. This afternoon we are hosting a "Freshy" party for the new freshmen at the University. They have only been in session for a week! Well im off to practice a drama.



Thursday, June 12, 2008

First day of Touring in Thailand

This is Belle (left) she is one of the workers for the Hot Rock Cafe which is a ministry in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The other lady is part of the Karen Tribe of Ring Necks in Chiang Rai.

These are some cups that were carved by some of the hill tribes that we visited today.

This is the front of MFYU the university in Chiang Rai.

This is a big group pic of our group from church.

And lastly this is from the Chinese Garden in the University...It was placed here in honor of the princess going to study in China. A very beautiful place!!!
Well it has been very interesting my first day traveling...I am having a blast and it is so awesome and hopefully the first of many travels and mission trips for me.
Miss everyone!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Winding down the first day!

Hello everyone,

Well its about 9:30 PM on our first day in Thailand...Not much went on today just a little bit of orentation and rest. As I said earlier it is a total flip so our bodys dont know what is going on. We are about to crash for the night in about 30 more mins so I will end by saying I know that this trip is going to be life changing and I am looking forward to what God has planned in the next few days! Hope everyone is doing well and Ill try to post some pictures tomorrow!!! Keep us in your prayers that God will guide and direct us to where we need to be at the right times! And that he would give us courage to get out of our boxes!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am officially in Thailand!!!

Hey everyone,

I am in Thailand finally! I thought that I would never get here a 13 hour flight is way too long! For all those people who had me scared to get on a plane are crazy I think that it was really fun just not for that long! The first flight was very tight and we sweated almost the whole time! the second flight was the bomb! I got to sleep across the whole row and that was probably the only good sleep that i have gotten since I left ATL. I wouldnt trade it for anything though we have met the people that we will be working with and they are so cool! Well Im out for now it is about 9:46 AM here and 10:46 PM at home.....Love everyone! Stay tuned!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jason and Amber's Wedding

June 7th of 2008

Well everyone I had the chance to photograph a wedding of a friend that I have had since I was born!  Amber and I had lots of great times growing up!  I had a blast from beginning to end. Check back the first of July for their pictures!!!